Sofia Karppi, a detective in her 30’s, struggles to take care of her children after her husband’s death, while investigating on brutal murders with her partner Sakari Nurmi. In each season, a new case linked to high spheres of power and secretive businesses puts her at risk and forces her to choose between her personal life and her duty as a cop.
In season 3, she is called back from her forced sabbatical leave to investigate on what soon appears to be a serial killer case in the pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, questions about her husband’s death start to resurface…
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Why we like it:
DEADWIND cleverly blends crime and personal drama into a thrilling, character-driven story.
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Crime Drama
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Written by:
Rike Jokela (Virta, Brändärit)
Kirsi Porkka (Kotikatu)
Jari Olavi Rantala (Kynsin Hampain, Virta, Syke) -
Rike Jokela (Virta, Brändärit, Kynsin Hampain…)
Pihla Viitala (Black Widows, Latin Lover, Hellfjord)
Lauri Tilkanen (Tom of Finland, Syke)
Tommi Korpela (The Spiral, Heroes of the Baltic Sea)